You cooldna mak it up (Donnie Morrison)

Massive windfarm visible from most of the Shetland Islands approved by the SIC.

Huge converter station in a scenic unspoiled area approved by the SIC.

Small neon sign on that architectural gem The Thule Bar, considered visually obtrusive in a Lerwick conservation area – refused by the SIC.

You really cooldna mak it up!

Donnie Morrison


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  • Jon Hallam

    • April 11th, 2011 14:48

    SIC ! “please close the gate when you leave”

  • Colin Hunter

    • April 11th, 2011 15:23

    Not ta mention yun monstrosity at da Nort Ness! Yon sood hae been hidden awa somewhaur up i’da black hill whaur hit widna offend onybody, or better yet, no biggit avaa! Aa it does is block fokks view o’ da harbour. “Mareel” haes ta be as ugly a beeldin as I’m ever seen an completely destroys da effect created by da museum in makkin it a fine place ta be. Yon area wid o’ been better used as a waterside park whaur dey could have held events laek da “Flavour o’ Shetland” an da laek instead o’ takkin up da only car park in ower. I really feel sorry fur da poor fokk dat bides in yon hooses! Da AFB’ll mebbe need yon twa peerie signs fur da side o’ yon thing ta brack up da monotony!

  • douglas young

    • April 11th, 2011 19:53

    There are three neon signs within 100 metres of the Thule one, I’d leave it up if I owned the pub. How do planners have the time an money tae spend referring this to the Scottish Government. As the Times says, “Petty”


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