Shame on you councillors (Kaleen Mckay)

Having spent the majority of my life living in Scalloway, I have been privileged to earn my education at Scalloway Junior High School.

Following seven years of primary, I continued to remain there for four years of secondary education, moving on to the Anderson High School for fifth year. Sure I was never to return there, by chance, I ended up accepting a cleaning job at Scalloway some six years ago. Until last Thursday, 30th June 2011, saw the last ever day of the Scalloway secondary department.

As I arrived at work I was greeted with a foyer full of teachers (many with tear-stained faces) awaiting the last bell of term, subsequently of an era. As it rang out, over and over again, the remaining pupils filed out the front door to a standing ovation from all their teachers and staff. With crying and hearts breaking from both pupils and teachers alike, they all showed such pride and love for their school. The teachers then followed on outside to wave off  the buses for the final time.

After weeks of packing numerous supplies and equipment, the only thing left for them to do now, was pack up their own personal belongings and leave their once bustling, noisy classrooms and offices bare and empty. As the end of the day neared and only us cleaners and the janitor remained, it was so sad watching the doors lock and the lights switch off, knowing this time was the last time.

Thousands of lives have passed through those classrooms and corridors and although they might now be empty of people, they will always remain full of memories.

I would just like to say: to all the teachers, office workers, cooks, janitors, cleaners and other staff (past and present) of Scalloway JH School I applaud you! You have all shown such fight, bravery and devotion in the face of adversity, you should all feel very proud. It is as much you, as it is the thousands of pupils that you have taught or helped over the years, that have made Scalloway JH School secondary department what it was.

So shame on you councillors!

As they say: you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone … well you have just succeeded in dumping a diamond to keep a lump of coal.

I for one will truly miss Scalloway JH School secondary department.

Thanks for the memories.

Kaleen Mckay
(Secondary pupil 1992-1995)
(Cleaner 2006 to 30th June 2011)


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  • ednabelle thomson

    • July 6th, 2011 10:53

    Kaleen, I like you and many more spent our whole education at Scalloway School. I was a pupil there when it was made a junior high and what a proud day that was. I can still see Ian Fraser standing in the assembly hall telling the school we had become a high schoo.l It was a proud day for us all. My bairns spent their education at Scalloway and now my grandbairns. It was a sad day they took the decision to close wir secondary deptment. da bairns haven’t got freedom of choice any more thanks to a handful of ignorant councillers who have spent millions of our money on crap and millions on a new HIGH SCHOOL and they still haven’t built a brick. Funny, Gussie Angus roared Anderson High School wasn’t fit for purpose then all of a sudden it is fit for purpose. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE IN LERWICK? Well thank you all you councillors that voted to shut wir beautiful school, hope you can live with yourselves you have ruined wir community. NEXT TIME YOU COUNCILLoRS DAT VOTED TO SHUT WIR SCHOOL WILL MAYBE THINK ABOUT SAVING MONEY THE NEXT TIME YOU GO ON TRIPS THAT AREN’T NECESSARY OR TAKE A TAXI ALL OWER SHETLAND FOR DA SAKE O IT.

  • Cheryl Jamieson

    • July 27th, 2011 14:53

    Very well said Kaleen, it made my heart break to read your letter. It’s so unjust that they shut Scalloway, as you say they’ll not realise what they’ve lost till it’s gone. The councillors need to realise there’s a whole lot of Shetland outside Lerwick, and the Shetland that we all know and love is disappearing fast because of their actions.

  • Ian Kitson-Hyde

    • July 30th, 2011 9:20

    It has always been soley about Lerwick. The rest of Shetland (outside of Lerwick) may well not exist as it obviously is a thorn in the side of the majority of so-called councillors.


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