Gunge and fancies at AHS for Comic Relief

Comic Relief fever hit Anderson High School last week with a week of fund-raising events organised by the school’s pupil council raising over £700.

On Tuesday four teams competed in an “ice off” competition. The teams, each consisting of a teacher and child duo (including head teacher Valerie Nicolson and her daughter Eve), had to decorate both a showstopper and a novelty cake within 10 minutes.

The judges were impressed with each team’s effort, but prizes went to Jennifer Thomson and daughter Ingrid in the showstopper category, while Nancy Hunter and daughter Katy won best novelty cake with their impressive 3-D dinosaur.

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Click for full image

On Wednesday afternoon the pupil council members rolled their sleeves up and baked a spectacular array of delicious treats to sell at interval the following day. A spokeswoman said this would not have been possible without the generous donation of ingredients from Tesco and the Co-op.

Throughout the week pupils were given an opportunity to vote with their coins for one of four teachers who had volunteered to be gunged at lunchtime on Friday.

This was the highlight of the week with over 500 pupils turning up for the gunging. Paul Thomason’s box of coins was by far the heaviest, weighing over 21kg, and rumour has it several pupils had each donated over £10 in loose change.

S6 pupils Louise Morrison and Morag Smith said: “On behalf of the student represenative council we would like to say a massive thanks to all of the teachers and pupils who supported us during the week.”

See this week’s Shetland Times for a full round-up of Comic Relief photographs.


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