Highlands and Island convention to be held in Mareel
On Monday, Lerwick will host the convention of the Highlands and Islands, with more than 50 representatives from local authorities and public bodies all over Scotland in attendance.
The convention will be chaired by the cabinet secretary for finance, employment and sustainable growth, John Swinney, and the minister for energy, enterprise and tourism Fergus Ewing will also attend, as will the public health minister Michael Matheson.
The event will be held in Mareel, and will include discussions on community planning, telehealth and telecare, tourism and the economy.
Speaking ahead of the convention, SIC convener Malcolm Bell welcomed the opportunities it presents: “We’re delighted to be hosting this important event, which involves Scottish government ministers and public bodies from all over Scotland. This gives us a tremendous opportunity to showcase Shetland, develop and strengthen links with other organisations, and learn from their experiences.”
The convention begins at 9am, and member of the public are welcome to attend as observers.
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