Oil giant considers reopening Unst airport

Unst could be set for a boost with the possible re-opening of the airport at Baltasound to serve the oil industry.

Oil giant Chevron has been exploring the option of using the disused airport when it opens up its fields west of Shetland.

MSP Tavish Scott said when it became known Chevron was looking at Shetland airports he asked them to consider Baltasound, which closed in the 1990s.

Chevron agreed, a move Mr Scott described as “very encouraging”.

Mr Scott said: “Scatsta is bursting at the seams and Sumburgh is very busy, all of which is good news, but I wanted to ensure the North Isles could benefit from the exciting oil and gas work in Shetland.”

Chevron has now carried out “option appraisal” for flying men into Baltasound by fixed wing aircraft and out with helicopters.

Mr Scott said: “It would be fantastic for Unst and I very much hope it will happen.”

He added that SIC would have a role in this and Chevron personnel have already met chief executive Mark Boden.


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  • Ian Richardson

    • April 20th, 2013 12:11

    I trust this outstanding opportunity will prove to be more than just pie in the sky. We in North Isles Industries (NII Ltd) operate from a Portakabin (which used to house British Airways staff) on the airfield pan with a broadband link to Setters Hill. With this re activation of the airfield under consideration I would like to think our present job (Print Agency) and ex RAF engineering capabilities may seamlessly let us fit in. Should the re-activation go ahead.

  • Sandy McMillan

    • April 20th, 2013 22:38

    I hope for the sake of Unst the reopening of the Airport goes ahead, and allows the people of Unst to benefit from this project one way or the other

  • sa ndra schelling hughson

    • April 21st, 2013 17:36

    It would be a great asset to Unst ,bringing the island back to life and a bit of money comming infor the lokalesmaybe the pub will open more a bit more sociable great news if it happens.

  • David Spence

    • April 22nd, 2013 0:07

    I hope that the re-opening of the airport will bring further business and interest to the island of Unst from outside, as well as furthering any investment into the island. However though, I sincerely hope it doesn’t increase crime as a result of drink or alcohol related incidents……..there is far more to life than alcohol, and the sooner this is realized the better……..Shetland pay’s too much attention to alcohol than anything else related when it comes to expanding or providing services within.

  • JohnTulloch

    • April 22nd, 2013 10:06

    “And there will be no hooliganism..and there will be no vandalism…..and there will be NO BEVVYING!! (Jimmy Reid, UCS Work-in, June 1971)

  • David Spence

    • April 23rd, 2013 14:42

    Chance would be a fine thing John lol……or should that be ‘ Wishful thinking ‘ . lol

  • Taff Atkins

    • April 24th, 2013 12:41

    Deja Vu…………………

  • johnstone

    • May 2nd, 2013 21:24

    I think that Wick airport is in with a bigger shout as they are currantly serving some of Chevron’s need’s

  • george williamson

    • May 3rd, 2013 21:15

    is wick close enough for a helicopter?

  • Raymond Smith

    • May 5th, 2013 5:27

    It would be brill news if Unst airport opened again. By the way does David Spence have anything positive to say about anything. Perhaps he should move to his socialist utopia where ever that is! Raymond Smith, Kirkwall

  • David Spence

    • May 7th, 2013 5:09

    Well Raymond, since you obviously seem to be reading my comments, not only on this subject but on others as well, I would appreciate your comments if they were given in a constructive manner.

    No doubt you live up to being a capitalist, and only think of yourself and what profit you can gain by ripping/conning people off……

    Just incase you forgot, we do have a socialist based system in the UK, albeit being torn down, ripped up and sold off at the cheapest price to whatever Tory business supporters there may be, where they will not invest anything in it and rip and con people for as much profit as they can…………..a behaviour I am sure you would encourage and advocate because, like many capitalists, your selfish, arrogant ways of getting rich by whatever immoral means you could not care about as long there is a profit to be made.

    Why don’t you go to your utopia capitalist dreamland and preach the good word (said with a plentiful help of sarcasm) to those people who think like you and do not give a damn as long as they get rich and make lots of money by hook or crook regardless to any suffering you may cause.

    I expect you would be the sort of person who would support sweat shops and slave labour in third world countries because those companies provide employment (in many cases the fashion industry) to the people, usually in appalling conditions, low wages and long hours. Why should you care, its the ideal situation you would support and encourage as long as western companies were making large profits……………..so, as said……..run along now and go to your little capitalist dreamland where you can carry out your atrocities on the weak, impoverished and destitute people of the third world………I am sure you would be proud of yourself in supporting such a system.

  • Raymond Smith

    • May 11th, 2013 6:40

    Well well DS has gone to far this time – more negative vibes and a very personal attack on my so called capitalist beliefs. I have never voted tory in my life – and I don’t think that will ever happen. You should not assume things about people or life because you will make an ass out of your self.
    You seem to forget that business of any sort whether a one man/woman operation or up to the very largest corporations have to make money to exist. The problem starts when the big companies use tax avoidance schemes to pay little or no corporation tax in this country.
    I didn’t know I was rich -perhaps you have uncovered wealth I wasn’t aware of. I wait with baited breath to get my hands on this pile of gold. Maybe I will find it when they dig up some peat installing my wind turbines.
    Great Britain is one of the finest countries to life in with the various services on offer in this country. If you wish to help 3rd world countries there are many voluntary organisations that you could join and go work there in some shape or form.
    Finally I will stay in this magic country and try to look after my family.

    Raymond Smith in capitalist Kirkwall

  • Michael Bilton

    • October 21st, 2013 3:03

    Perhaps Mr. Spence should be reminded that good old capitalist Britain made great sacrifices to defeat National Socialism in WW2. True the Soviet Union lost 20 million dead in their great heroic war against Hitler – but many of our boys died sending them oil, food, aircraft etc in the Arctic convoys. It would be fascinating to learn how Mr. Spence earns his living. Presumably he is a self employed tradesman, hiring out his labour for a pitance only to those who vote Socialist.

  • David Spence

    • October 21st, 2013 21:29

    Michael and Raymond, if you really want to praise ‘ Capitalism ‘ as promoted by the USA, why don’t you look into the US Banking System and see the atrocities of the US Foreign Policy, which is totally driven by their Banks and their insatiable appetite for dominance, greed and power.

    Is there is connection between the Banks, the US Arms Industry and this of war and conflict (perpetrated by the banks initially for the sake of giving out loans, as war and conflict would induce)??????

    Of course there is…………This is the true face of Capitalism as promoted by the biggest benefactors of it, the Banks.

    Since 1910, the USA has been involved in instigating, financing, supporting and starting over 91 conflicts…………and what institute has benefitted the most from these conflicts?…….The US Banks……….need I say more?


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