Isles MP Carmichael is second highest fund-raiser in UK for cancer charity

Shetland and Orkney MP Alistair Carmichael.
Shetland and Orkney MP Alistair Carmichael.

Isles MP Alistair Carmichael has raised over £4,400 for the Macmillan Cancer Trust after completing the “Go Sober for October” challenge.

The campaign challenged drinkers to give up alcohol for the month of October to raise money for the cancer charity.

The entire campaign raised over £1,600,000 for Macmillan and Mr Carmichael ended the month as the second highest fund-raiser nationally.

He said: “Macmillan Cancer Trust deserves enormous praise for organising this hugely successful campaign. Anyone who knows me knows that I do enjoy a dram and there are not many causes that would motivate me to abstain from alcohol but Macmillan Cancer Trust is one of them.

“A few times in my life I have seen people who were dear to me lose the fight against cancer and I have seen what Macmillan did to help them and their families. The word ‘inspirational’ is much over-used these days but for the Macmillan nurses that I have seen it is, if any anything, an understatement.

“I would like to thank everyone who participated and donated to the campaign. I cannot say that it has been easy but I can say for certainty that it has been well worth it.”


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