Chief inspector could soon be on way south
Shetland’s top policeman could soon be winging his way south to a new job after making the superintendent “pool” within the police force.

Chief inspector Angus MacInnes, who is in his second stint of service in Shetland, said he was continuing to enjoy life and work in the isles and would give it “100 per cent” until a promoted post arises on the mainland.
Mr MacInnes has been in Shetland since October 2011 as chief inspector after serving a temporary stint here in 2009 as inspector.
He said: “I’m still the chief inspector here, but I am now ready to get into a superintendent role on the mainland. “
He added that working as chief inspector in Shetland tended to involve a wider set of roles and challenges than a similar job in the mainland and that had been no bad training for a superintendant post.
Shetland Community Safety Group vice-chairman Allison Duncan said: “When a vacancy arises we will be losing an excellent officer. He came at a time of great difficulty and rose to the challenge.”
Mr MacInnes added that Shetland was a great place to work and had given him a wide range of experience.
A single superintendent is responsible for Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles while the Highlands and Islands is run by a chief superintendent as part of North Division of the police.
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