No campsite alternative (Garry Field)

For the last four years my wife and myself have attended the Shetland Folk Festival, indeed we have registered for this year’s as well.

We have a motorhome and stay for around 12 days travelling around and using the excellent campsites in the isles.

Yesterday I thought I should book in at Clickimin Centre for the duration of the folk festival as it is ideal for us and always busy with caravans, campers and motorhomes.

I was informed the campsite was now closed and when I enquired had any other arrangements been made I was informed no, you could always park in a lay-by or travel eight miles to the Westings site which really is not an alternative.

On reflection we will probably not make the trip this year. The ferry will lose out on around £600, campsites on the isles will lose out and shops and pubs will also lose out. Shetland must really be doing well this year.

Garry Field
2 Market Steading,
East Linton, East Lothian.


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  • John watt

    • February 7th, 2014 15:54

    I am as annoyed as you Gary. The campsite is always popular and in a great location but once again the council refuses to listen to the public that we need a campsite even with the current bed space issues they have with the hotels at the moment. I will be surprised if it’s not a quiet year for the poor old folk festival

  • Ali Inkster

    • February 8th, 2014 12:49

    You could give the bridge end outdoor centre in Burra a call 01595 745301

    • roy h chamberlain

      • February 9th, 2014 23:28

      i too come for 3 weeks including fiddle frenzy we spend 3k including ferry multiply that by the number of folk who wont bother and soon events wont be worth holding – folk come to camp on a good site with facilities not to park by the side of the road -thankfully we are booked on the levenwick site but tis a long way fae lerwick

  • Harry Dent

    • February 11th, 2014 12:51

    A lay-by isn’t much use to people in tents and without motorised transport.

    I’m still astounded by the way this has been (mis)handled.

  • Dave Cooper

    • February 17th, 2014 10:39

    I have been watching the loss of the Clickimin campsite for sometime. It appears to be down to plain economics. They say that campsite only just breaks even.
    If I owned a campsite that did not make any money & someone offered to buy the land I am pretty sure I would sell.

    • Garry Field

      • February 18th, 2014 9:27

      Reference last comment, if campsite just breaks even it would be interesting to see the accounts. With no campsite it will impact on the economy of the islands, albeit small. The ferry will not receive any income and the small campsites at Skeld etc who have invested heavily over last few years will loose out. suffice to say we are still waiting for some sort of response from Shetlands Islands council.


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