Fair Isle pupils’ war film shown at Glasgow service

Fair Isle primary pupils and their teachers were among the guests at the Commonwealth World War One commemoration on Monday – where the guest list included the Prince of Wales and the Prime Minister.
The Governor General of New Zealand and many more leaders of Commonwealth nations were also present at the event in Glasgow Town Hall.
The Fair Isle group, one of seven groups from Scotland to be chosen as special guests, was there to show their award-winning film, Our Boys: Fair Isle and World War One, to the guests.
Four pupils had been involved in the project, but only two could make it to Glasgow. After the formal service and military parade, they attended a lunch in Glasgow City Council Chambers.
Head teacher Nicholas Lucas said on Monday: “Today was very special. We presented our work to David Cameron and Ed Miliband who both spent over five minutes with us. We also presented our work to Alex Salmond, the High Commissioners from Australia and Swaziland and military officials from Canada.
“Prince Charles was in the room and was making his way around, but needed to leave to meet other dignitaries before he got to the Fair Isle table. There were seven groups invited to present their projects at the event. Six groups were from Glasgow, and we were the only non-Glasgow based group.
“The pupils were very proud being able to present their work to Scottish, British and international dignitaries. It’s been fabulous for all of us”.
• For more on the visit, including photos, see Friday’s Shetland Times.
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