COPE gets a new look

Social enterprise company COPE has launched its new look at a colourful event in Gremista.
About 60 guests were invited to the to event yesterday, with local councillors and Shetland MSP Tavish Scott among those attending.
As part of a new chapter for the company, COPE Trees and Shrubs, Shetland Scrapstore and COPE Catering have all been renamed.
These are now called Shetland Garden Company, Shetland Home Company and Shetland Kitchen Company.
COPE is also responsible for the Shetland Soap Company and Orkney Soap.
Established as a charity in 1998, COPE (Community Opportunities for Participation in Enterprise) helps people with disabilities gain employment skills.
General manager Ingrid Webb said it was “a massive day” for the company.
“We’ve been working towards this for a long time,” she said and added they felt it was time to modernise the businesses.
COPE participants were sporting their new, brightly coloured uniforms and Ingrid highlighted the importance of those working for COPE and reminding people why the company was here.
In a speech Mr Scott hailed the staff and participants and said it was “a fantastic transformation”.
He said COPE was “so important for our community” and thanked those involved for all the work they do.
Mrs Webb spoke about the importance of the company and overcoming difficulties, adding it was “inspiring” place to work.
Aiden Ward, who works in the garden and home businesses talked about why he enjoyed working for the company and his aspirations in future.
He said he had grown in confidence since joining COPE and said “I’m very proud of what I do here.”
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