Jersey island games schedules announced

The squad which made the trip to Bermuda for the last island games in 2013. A much bigger team will be representing Shetland in Jersey next year. Photo: Kevin Jones
The squad which made the trip to Bermuda for the last island games in 2013. A much bigger team will be representing Shetland in Jersey this year. Photo: Kevin Jones

The NatWest Island Games schedules for all sports in Jersey this summer, apart from volleyball, have just been published.

A large Shetland squad, covering 11 sports, will be travelling to the games, which run from Sunday 28th June to Friday 3rd July.

The men’s football team, drawn in group C, start their campaign against the Isle of Wight at 1pm on the Sunday.

Further matches are against Hitra at 5.30pm on the Monday and the Falkland Islands on the Tuesday at 4.30pm.

Following a rest day Shetland could be involved in either a placing match or a semi-final tie on the Thursday. The final and third/fourth play-off matches are scheduled for Friday.

After a practice day on Sunday the serious action for the archers begins on Monday with single FITA recurve and compound for both men and women.

Ranking rounds for both disciplines are on Tuesday before the head-to-head knockout competititions begin on the Wednesday.

The team recurve and compound archery events are on the Thursday.

The badminton team competitions are on Sunday and Monday with the individual singles, doubles and mixed doubles running from Tuesday to Friday.

After practice on Sunday the swimming events run from Monday to Thursday while the athletics will be taking place all week, beginning with the half marathon on Sunday and finishing with the 4×400 metres relays on Friday.

The men’s and women’s cycling time trials are on the Sunday with the road races on the Wednesday. The triathletes will be in action on the Sunday.

Golfers have two practice days before the four rounds from Tuesday to Friday while the sailing, table tennis and shooting events are being held on all six days of the games.

• A full list of schedules can be found on the NatWest Island Games XVI Jersey website at


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