Plenty of fun was had at the Sandwick fun day, with bouncy castles, fire fighters , nail painting and vikings galore.
Folk flocked to event and enjoyed family fun, from Frozen characters to candy floss and a beat the goalie competition.
Photographer Dave Donaldson was at the Sandwick football pitch yesterday snapping lots of happy faces.
Sandwick Girl guides hosting the teddy bear tumble: From left: Annika Hagon, Katie Moore, Arwen Nield , and Bethany Redfern. Photo: Dave Donaldson.SMUHA Guizer Jarl Leslie Simpson leading her vikings onto the park. Photo: Dave Donaldson.Kirill Bocarovs try his hand at being a firefighter with fireman Ross Stopper. Photo: Dave Donaldson.Looking good at the nail bar: Cate Burke gets a makeover from Nicky Wiseman. Photo: Dave Donaldson.Serving up the food on the day: From left Rebecca Wishart,Gail Bray,Jenni Orr and Stuart Orr. Photo: Dave Donaldson.Sandwick fire crew with their new fun house: From top left, clockwise: Ross Stopper, James Jamieson, Stuart Jamieson, John Rankin and James Nicolson. Photo: Dave Donaldson.
Reporter for The Shetland Times. I have also worked as a senior news reporter at The Press and Journal, The Barnsley Chronicle and as a freelance reporter for The Doncaster Free Press. Alongside news reporting I specialise in music and sports journalism. Pork pie lover.
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