Suggested names sought for new AHS hall of residence

Suggested names are sought for the new AHS hall of residence. Photo: Stephen Gordon
Suggested names are sought for the new AHS hall of residence. Photo: Stephen Gordon

Proposals are being sought for a name to go above the door of the new Anderson High School’s hall of residence, which is steadily emerging as part of the far-reaching project at Clickimin.

But waggish suggestions, such as those put forward to the Natural Environmental Research Council, will quickly fall by the wayside, members at Monday’s education and families committee meeting were told.

The NERC found itself with a bit of a head-scratcher when top among suggested internet names for a multi-million pound research ship was Boaty McBoatface.

SIC director of children’s services Helen Budge stressed the decision on the name would come before elected members, who would have the final say.

“The decision will come back to this table. I’ll come with a list of possibilities and it will be for you to make that decision,” she told members today.

Political leader Gary Robinson stressed it was not a “popularity contest”.

“It doesn’t matter how many times they put in Boaty McBoatface, we’re not calling it that,” he stressed.

North Isles member Gary Cleaver wondered aloud why a new name needed to be selected at all.

“We’re calling it the Anderson High School Hall of Residence. Hasn’t it already been named? We’re not calling it Project X,” he said.

“I wonder if the days of deferred patronage by naming buildings after dead people is a good precedent to follow.”

Nonetheless, consultation is due to run between 20th April and 8th June on what the new name could be, and anyone can put forward their suggestions.

A report by Mrs Budge said consultation would also be carried out with youngsters staying in the current Janet Courtney Hostel, as well as those in other schools who will come into the accommodation block in future years.

The Janet Courtney is named out of respect for the benefactor of the Carnegie Trust. However, the trust has no link to the new hall of residence – hence the call for a new name.

Anyone interested are invited to respond by making a submission to: Children’s Services
Hayfield House, Hayfield Lane, Lerwick, ZE1 0QD or by email at

A form is also available at Hayfeld House for convenience, although its use is not compulsory.


Add Your Comment
  • Alvin Leong

    • April 12th, 2016 12:33

    Dave Clark Hostel

  • Laurie Walterson

    • April 12th, 2016 14:19

    Cluness House ? Cluness Residence ?

  • Sandy McDonald

    • April 12th, 2016 18:40

    Housey McHouseface House

  • Thomas Goodlad

    • April 12th, 2016 19:50

    It would be appropriate to call this hostel “The North Loch Halls of Residence”as it has been built on or near where this loch used to be.

  • Martin Scholtz

    • April 12th, 2016 22:39

    Draatsi Houss

  • iantinkler

    • April 13th, 2016 7:21

    How About “Vic Thomas House”
    Vic Thomas, Someone outside the limelight with independent views which reflect much of what Rural Shetland is thinking. His comments below say so very much.
    “It’s high time we had a vision and some debate on what folk want a future Shetland to look like, the concept of us all living in or around Lerwick is a social & economic cancer, as is the lack of support for rural Shetland with its diminishing and fragile support close to collapse.
    It may even be time to come up with ideas or solutions for Shetland and stick two fingers up to the Scottish Government, the EU or Westminster if that is what is needed to do things that suit the isles.
    It’s high time we told Holyrood, Brussels or London what we are going to do to find solutions to a continuously marginalised island way of life but only after we fix the failure of our elected rural representatives, sitting in the town hall continually thinking only of Lerwick.”

    Vic Thomas

  • Kathy Greaves

    • April 13th, 2016 12:47

    I vote for The Bidie Inn.

    A good Shetland name!

    Kathy Greaves

  • Ray Purchase

    • April 13th, 2016 13:01

    Could rambling, off topic, political comments be moderated out of this thread please so that it isn’t ruined for everyone?

    I like Housy McHouseface a lot!

    How about George Jamieson House though?

  • David Spence

    • April 13th, 2016 13:32

    Why not call it ‘ Wur da auld dump was, Hostel ‘ lol or

    ‘ Great View, but Brawly Windy Hostel ‘ lol

  • Sandy Mcmillan

    • April 15th, 2016 15:17



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