Hundreds have fun in the sun at carnival

The 10th Midsummer Carnival saw the clouds part in time for the assembly of brightly clad floats, participants and jarls’ squad guizers “fresh” from a guest appearance at the Simmer Dim bikers rally at Ollaberry.

A good crowd turned out at the Hillhead to cheer the parade on, with the procession headed by a galley and the Lerwick Jarl’s squad. This was followed by two car loads of carnival princesses, the colourful Ugly Bug Ball float, a very long Chinese dragon and the SMUHA Jarl’s squad.

The Royal Navy, courtesy of HMS Somerset, also put in a show of brisk marching, before the Shetland Hillbillies arrived on their trikes and trailers. Highlight of the show for many, will have been the flaming Red Dragon monster truck driven by no less than Stig of Top Gear fame, its massive tyres somehow negotiating the Lower Hillhead without incident.

Following that was the colourful Blydepride float celebrating the local GBLT community and they were backed up by some appropriately pink clad Jarl’s squad members. Then followed a glittering array of more Jarl’s squads, including the junior Jarl’s squad, A Mexican float, the military themed Russell’s Regiment and all flavour of emergency services with lights flashing and horns blazing. A vibrant selection of collectors dressed as Tammie Norries, alluring Cleopatras and the like weaved alongside the parade.

All in all it was a lightsome spectacle for a sunny summer evening.


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