Sisters’ excitement at starring in top fashion shoot

Three lasses from Quarff have spoken of their delight after starring in top fashion shoot for a luxury British fashion house.

Lily, Daisy and Emily Manson-Brodie feature in the campaign for the release of Alexander McQueen’s Autumn-Winter 2016 range.

Fans have been given a sneak peak already with videos and photographs on the brand’s Twitter account.

Striking backdrops in Unst and Sumburgh were used in the campaign, which also includes Argentinian model Mica Arganaraz.

McQueen’s website states that the campaign is “the result of an adventure capturing a young, surreal and intoxicating beauty against the wild and rugged Scottish terrain”.

Proud mum Polly went along to see the Alexander McQueen scout who was up looking at Shetland girls, having been sent the advert from a friend in America.

She took along Lily, 15, and Daisy, 13 for the audition at Market House.
But when the fashion scout saw the youngest sister Emily, 11, they said “we want her!” and decided to go with all three sisters.

“I just got a bit nosey and went to see what was happening and they said ‘we want to take your picture’,” Emily said.

She said it was great fun trying on the clothes and would like to do more modelling in future.

The girls have had to keep their good news under wraps until the campaign was announced, which Emily admitted had been a bit tricky.

“Since it came out I have been telling all my friends that I wanted to really tell,” she said.

Polly said she was shocked when her children were chosen to take part.

“It’s really not the sort of thing that happens to us. I knew some of the girls that had gone for it and they were really, really bonnie girls,” she said.

“They obviously had a set image in their head of what they wanted.

“I’m so proud of them it was really difficult [to stay tight-lipped]. It was more difficult to try and explain to the girls that they couldn’t discuss this, even with their best friends.”

Lily said Mica was “really nice” and it was the first time she had done a photoshoot.

“I was in Shetland as an extra so I kind of thought it would be a lot of waiting, but it wasn’t really,” she said.

Daisy added: “It was really fun. The best bit was probably meeting all the different people and trying out lots of different clothes.”


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