Questioning the Ronas Ward replacement model (Billy Fox)

In reply to NHS Shetland chairman Kinniburgh’s letter “Response to Fox letter”, I too have no intention to engage in a protracted media exchange. Suffice to say I felt compelled to respond publicly in the first instance given the broad audience which Speakeasy reaches.

I stand by my statement: while “immediate” closure perhaps suggests an overnight shutdown of course this would not be the case.

Obviously a transition period would apply to accommodate existing patients in Ronas Ward to relocate within the delivery of the single intermediate care team or Montfield Support Services.

My line of questioning was to establish when this closure would take place and the answer was in early part, there would be no concurrent delivery between Ronas Ward and the new model as Mr Kinniburgh suggested.  No trial period, therefore no safety net, which was precisely the concern.

The reasons given for this was as stated in my letter, money for Ronas Ward already reallocated within the budget (without Integrated Joint Board approval?) and an element of the staff needed to populate the intermediate care team.

Enough said, I am more than happy for our respective correspondence to stand as is and for the public to read and form their own judgement accordingly.

Billy Fox
SIC councillor and voting member on the
Integration Joint Board

Brennek, Quarff.


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  • John Tulloch

    • October 19th, 2016 16:36

    Thanks, Billy. I imagine the vast majority of readers will have understood what you mean, without the clarification.

    A trial period would indeed be a wise precaution and we need to know what will happen to the people who don’t live in Lerwick or Central Shetland who need the kind of care offered by Ronas Ward/Intermediate Care Teams.


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