Cunningsburgh clown appeal

Police are appealing for witnesses after reports a person dressed as a clown jumped out of a vehicle and began chasing people this afternoon.

Officers said the incident happened at about 12.15pm at the Blett junction in Cunningsburgh.

Police said a black pick-up style vehicle with an open back was travelling southbound when a person was said to have jumped out of the open back wearing a clown mask and chase members of the public.

PC Emma Innes said the mask was described as having orange afro-style hair and big red lips. The person was also said to have been wearing a clown outfit.

Police said they want to identify the driver and the person in the clown outfit.

Anyone with more information should call 101, call Crimestoppers on 0800555111 or go to Lerwick Police Station.


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  • Andy Holt

    • January 7th, 2017 18:04

    Orange hair and red lips? Donald Trump is in da hoose for tonight’s Althing debate. Be there!

  • i tinkler

    • January 8th, 2017 9:44

    We are lucky, it could have been a Viking. Clowns are bad boys but those Vikings with their pillaging, that would be real trouble!!!

  • Paul Meyer

    • January 8th, 2017 16:05

    Was this idiot motivated by the worldwide phenomenon of ‘clown sightings’ who seem bent on frightening folk out of their skin? On the other hand, I wonder if Ronald McDonald is about to offer up his Big Mac burgers to the island or was a circus passing through Shetland ? Perhaps we’ll never know…

    Puts a whole new slant on ‘Red Nose’ day though!

  • Alec Miller

    • January 10th, 2017 11:14

    This is obviously an Up Helly Aa squad publicity stunt ( there is a long tradition of this) and its sad to see the police taking this seriously. I suggest that the price of an Up Helly Aa programme will solve this serious crime.


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