Holt hits the hills again for huge running challenge

An off-road runner is hitting the hills this summer for a mammoth challenge – running from Sumburgh to Unst in under 24 hours.

Luke Holt completed the 74-mile route five years ago, though a boggy route through Yell meant he was

Luke Holt is training in preparation for his end to end run in the summer. Photo: Kevin Jones

cutting it fine.

This time the anaesthetic nurse hopes to conquer 40 summits on 1tth August to celebrate his 40th birthday as well as raise money for Crohn’s and Colitis research, something he and his mother have been affected by and which he said is a common condition in Shetland.

Mr Holt said: “The Mainland route is broken up into seven sections and follows a fairly straight line from Sumburgh lighthouse to Toft over the hills.

“The route then crosses Yell up the eastern ridge of hills then across Unst on the western hills to finish on the cliff edge overlooking Muckle Flugga lighthouse which is about 123km (76 miles) in total.”


“It releases all those child-like endorphins running down a hill. You have to restrain yourself from whooping because it’s so much fun.” LUKE HOLT


Mr Holt is looking for people to train with for running and walking in the hills, as well as people wanting to take on the whole challenge.

He said he enjoys the freedom of running off-road.

“It releases all those child-like endorphins running down a hill. You have to restrain yourself from whooping because it’s so much fun.”

Mr Holt is hoping the challenge could become a regular event that people could travel to Shetland to take part in.

He added: “You don’t need to be super fit to start walking and running on the hills and it’s a great way to lose weight after Christmas.

“Just remember to take a mobile phone and tell somebody your plans. Promote Shetland’s website, shetland.org, has some great routes to get you started.”

For more information go to shetlandendtoend.com


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