Charity donation from fisherman Raymond after a lifetime ‘aff’
Dunrossness fisherman Raymond Leslie has finally retired after 51 years of being at sea.

Mr Leslie, of Hillock, was one of the original shareholders of the Lerwick-registered Guiding Light.
The 69-year-old was the main focus of a party at the Ness Boating Club held to celebrate his long-running career at the fishing.
A charitable raffle and auction was held, which raised £650. The money was split evenly between the lifeboat and the Fishermen’s Mission.
Mr Leslie said he had felt it important to support those two causes.
“Just being a fisherman and being involved with the sea all my life, it’s only natural I’d put it to those two causes,” he said.
Mr Leslie said he had seen many changes in the industry over the decades he had been at sea, particularly since the days of drift-net fishing.
“There have been a lot of changes. When I started off it was drift net fishing, and now there’s no drift nets. It’s all changed now.
“I’m 69 years old and I just thought it was coming time [to retire], and I just thought I would pack up at Christmas.
“I have a small boat, so I’m hoping to be able to keep going with that.”
Mr Leslie will clearly be missing the Guiding Light, which sailed latterly with a five-man crew, although she had seven onboard to start off with.
The vessel was bought new following her launch on 12th February 1986.
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