Over 300 entries for this year’s schools music festival

This year’s Shetland Schools Music festival is to be a record setter with over 300 entries from schools around the isles.

The annual event, which alternates between secondary and primary pupils, will take place between 13th and 16th March at Mareel and will this year feature secondary pupils.

Violinist Anne Macdonald, who is a member of the violin section of the Scottish Ballet Orchestra, will once again be adjudicating this year’s packed schedule of musical performances.

Also working as a freelance performer Anne is experienced in teaching too, having become a Trinity College London examiner in 2010.

Classes will take place during the day and evening throughout the week with audiences welcome to attend at any time for free.

Cups and prizes, including best dialect entry award presented by Shetland ForWirds, will be awarded to individuals or groups of particular merit as seen by the Adjudicator.

The highlight event is to be the Young Musician of the Year, both Senior and Junior, which will be held on the 15th.

The week then culminates on the 16th with a Gala Concert featuring a variety of music and highlights from the week.


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