How exactly did he help? (Ouaine Bain)

Alistair Carmichael says voters can trust him to defend the interests of the Northern Isles. So how, exactly, did his votes in parliament for the bedroom tax, for increasing VAT to 20 per cent, and for privatising the postal service, help our interests?

Ouaine Bain


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  • Gordon Harmer

    • May 19th, 2017 13:02

    Not being a Lib Dem supporter myself, I hate the negative comments about Alistair Carmichael who was / is a first class constituency MP. For all of his faults there are thousands of Orkadians and Shetlanders who owe him a debt of gratitude for his help in constituency matters. I for one have personal experience of this, Alistair tirelessly fought my battle with a government department for three years through to its conclusion. His advice and help was second to none, his staff in the Lerwick office reflect that attitude. Its such a pity that only negative and personal attacks seem to be the order of the day. What really boils my blood is the political corner that most of these vitriolic statements originate from; throwing stones and living in glass houses comes to mind.

  • Margaret Gear

    • May 19th, 2017 16:23

    Ouaine Bain made no personal attack. She merely asked about Carmichael’s voting history, as our political representative, for which it seems reasonable that he be held accountable.

    • John Haswell

      • May 19th, 2017 19:13

      I go to this website everyday and read a great many comments (most often by a few very engaged individuals of all persuasions). I agree with some and disagree with others. However, I do find it ironic that those criticising negative comments made by SNP activists and supporters are not averse to making virulent, negative comments about those same activists and their supporters. Pot and kettle springs to mind. Ouaine asked a perfectly rational question and Gordon’s blood boils! What a sad indictment this is of mature, rational debate. Gordon, you don’t need to be Mr Angry to get your message across. If you are this agitated at the moment then heaven knows what your blood pressure will be like if your worst nightmare becomes a reality when the count is concluded on 9th June.

      • Gordon Harmer

        • May 20th, 2017 16:01

        John Haswell, maybe you should learn to read before you comment, I did not say it was Ouaine Bains comments that made my blood boil. I said was “the political corner that most of these vitriolic statements originate from”. I don’t think Quaine was making a statement from any political corner, just her own thoughts. But she is not the only one to have a go at Carmichael; why only in the past week Mhairi Black, Charlie Gallagher amongst others have poured vitriol from their mouths and computers. You and others seem to want to close down debate and remove free speech from those with a voice. Well as long as there are outlets like the Shetland times my blood will continue to boil and I will be angry, that is my right and no one, not even you will or can stop me. Just to clear some thing up I have never said I will be positive in my style of debate but the SNP candidate did, and her invited guest and minions seem to be ignoring her wishes so I will in whatever style I see fit point this out. Have a nice day.

  • Haydn Gear

    • May 19th, 2017 22:40

    This has nothing to do with Margaret Gear’s observation about Ouaine Bain’s comments but she may be interested to know that another Margaret Gear ( my mother) died recently in Newport South Wales aged 100. I have never known of anyone who did not hold her in high regard. When she was close to a very unpleasant death her concerns were for me and my son Emlyn because we had to endure such a nasty situation. I write this because it reminds me that so much bickering is so facile when compared to life’s major issues.

    • David Spence

      • May 20th, 2017 23:12

      My condolences, Haydn

      You are correct where, in many cases, political debate, local or otherwise, can be transferred to this of personal insults, name calling and digressing the initial subject to something totally different.

      I confess my total and utter dislike for the Conservatives is probably well known and documented in this website, and does, I feel, causes the debate to be heated due to the selfish, arrogant and highly ignorant political party like the Conservatives, who put their own interests and commercial needs ahead of any political and social responsibility, and where conflicts arise due to the ‘ Me first psychology ‘ compared to ‘ We should be united psychology ‘.

      Shetland has a very strong community where, due to our location and small population, we have to live in relative harmony for the greater good of the community as a whole. This is the complete opposite to what the Conservatives believe in, and is very much counter-productive to any form of real social cohesion.

      What the Conservatives love to promote is the more negative attributes to human nature because they base their social principles of ‘ commercial and selfish necessity ‘ and not for the greater good.


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