Oil production vessel arrives in Lerwick for decommissioning

An oil production vessel has arrived in Lerwick this morning, ahead of a major decommissioning project expected to create 30 jobs.

The 12,000 tonne, semi-submersible Buchan Alpha produced almost 150 million barrels of oil during its 36 years working in the North Sea.

The Buchan Alpha arriving in Lerwick this morning. Photo: Dave Donaldson

Dismantling of the giant will be carried out at Dales Voe over the next 17 months and the work will be performed by Peterson and Veolia.

It is believed to be the first major North Sea structure of its type to be disposed of in Scotland.

Around 98 per cent of the steel structure is to be recycled.

Chief executive of Lerwick Port Authority, Sandra Laurenson, said: “The arrival of Buchan Alpha is another significant milestone following more than a decade of decommissioning at Lerwick where Buchan is the largest project yet.”

Estelle Brachlianoff, senior executive vice-president Veolia UK and Ireland said: “We are expecting a growth in the decommissioning market and the Buchan Alpha contract is a significant example of this type of the potential expansion of this sector in Scotland.

“The offshore assets will now be recycled to give them a second, third or even fourth life creating jobs and investment in the local economy.”


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