Unacceptable booking (George Burgess)

For some 12 years some friends and I have enjoyed block booking of two days a week in the Bowls Hall at the Clickimin over the winter period.

Out of the blue we were informed that there will be no bowls from 15th January to 16th February – a miss of some nine consecutive sessions. This is because the hall is being used for prelims by the Anderson High School.

I find this unacceptable. For a new, expensive school to have to hire accommodation for their exams is not good enough. This when elderly people are encouraged to be active.

I sign myself a disgruntled senior citizen writing on behalf of all those who book at the Clickimin.

George Burgess
37 Burgh Road,

• This letter was accidentally omitted from last week’s edition. Apologies to Mr Burgess for the mistake.


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  • Jack Brunton

    • January 19th, 2018 22:12

    When I visited the new skule, I did see a large Hall with stage. Why can the exams not take place in that space? The the bowling clubs won’t be be displaced. As I understand it, the current exams are practice for the real ones in May. Will the bowlers be displaced again?

  • Ivor Johnson

    • January 21st, 2018 10:30

    The well is definitely starting to run dry. The School was designed to make best use of synergies between the Rec Trust facilities on the doorstep.

    From what I can make out, the deal in place keeps not only the Clickimin facility secure for the longer term but helps keep all the rural leisure centres going, when funding for luxuries like these are harder to come by.

    The real price of this is compromise: I, for example, can no longer squeeze a badminton game in at lunchtime since the main hall is block booked through the week. This has meant that a new £XXmillion games hall and PE facility didn’t need to be built. A complete no-brainer in my eyes.

    Another seems to be Mr. Burgess and Mr. Brunton can’t get access to the bowls hall for one or two months in the year.

    As the Well gets drier, I suppose we’ll all have to make a few more compromises to keep what we have.


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