Musicians shine at Mareel in Shetland Young Fiddler of the Year concert

Sparkling musicianship was on show at Mareel on Saturday night as talented fiddlers shone under the lights at the Shetland Young Fiddler of the Year.

Six musicians were competing in the open senior and traditional senior categories at the finals concert.

From lively Shetland tunes to achingly beautiful melodies, it was a night of variety, craft and skill.

Emma Leask, 14,  from Gulberwick won the overall title of Shetland Young Fiddler of the Year 2018.

She said it was a shock to win.

“It’s really surreal,” she said, adding the competition was a special one.

“It feels really special because it’s is part of Shetland and it’s [the fiddle] a massive part of Shetland music.”

The busy concert schedule included performances from this year’s Junior Young Fiddler of the Year and Junior Traditional Fiddler of the Year, eight-year-old Kristie Williamson from Hamnavoe, as well as the runners-up in both categories.

Intermediate Young Fiddler of the Year Emily Laurenson, 11, from Bigton was also among the performers having been awarded the title on Friday.

Meanwhile Vidlin fiddler Ashley Hay, 12, was crowned this year’s Traditional Intermediate winner.

More in Friday’s Shetland Times.


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