Community councillors being sought

The clock is ticking for anyone thinking of standing for their local community council.

The closing date for upcoming by-elections is now less than two weeks away.

Elections took place in November for the 163 available places on the 18 community councils across the isles.

But there are still a total of 43 vacancies in different areas, for which nominations are now being sought to fill these.

The deadline for nominations is 4pm on Thursday 7th February, and a nomination forms are available online on Shetland Islands Council’s website.

Community councillors must be 18 years of age or older, and be on the electoral roll for the area in which they will represent.

Jim Anderson, of the Association of Shetland Community Councils, said: “We’re keen to see as many vacancies filled as possible, so that community councils across Shetland can continue to function effectively as the voice of the local community.

“Community councils rely on the support of residents, who are committed to make a positive difference in their local area. “We’d urge anyone who might have some time to get involved to consider putting their name forward.”


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