Recycling shed expected to open in July
The much discussed sorting shed for recycling at Gremista is set to open in July, the SIC environment and transport committee heard at a meeting on Monday.
Shetland South councillor George Smith posed the question regarding the progress of the shed to the infrastructure services department during the meeting, to which waste management team leader Colin Bragg replied that a deadline of July had been set for staff to move into the long-mooted sorting shed.
The current recycling scheme started in the North Mainland in March last year, and was rolled out sporadically throughout the isles over the next few months, ending with Lerwick which started recycling in October. There had been no dedicated sorting shed for recycling since the scheme was implemented.
The news on the shed came as the environmental services department projected an outturn overspend of £49,000 for the period up until 31st December 2018, with “delays in construction of sorting shed” relating to an overspend of £150,000.
Michael Garriock
How many toilet roll cores and empty washing up liquid bottles will need to be ‘recycled’ and ‘sold’ on to cover the cost of this £1 Million+ hut and contents?
Not to mention the amount of fossil fuel burned by the diesel guzzling Scot. Gov. boats dragging it on its way to the central belt, and dragging back dirty bandages from the same place to burn in the incinerator instead.
This ‘visual politics’ enterprise will die in debt, both financial and carbon.
Mr Michael A Balmain
Great news. Been a long time coming and a step in the right direction.