Lifeboat called out after well-supported fundraiser

The importance of the Lerwick Lifeboat was illustrated just hours after a fundraiser pulled in £2,700 to help fund it.

A coffee morning was held on Saturday on the NorthLink ferry, Hrossey, organised by the Lerwick Ladies Lifeboat Guild. It was attended by more than 300 people.

Shortly afterwards, the lifeboat was called out to help the creel boat Delta Dawn at 1pm after she got into difficulty in rough seas off the north of Bressay. Delta Dawn was escorted back in by the lifeboat as she made her way back to the marina under her own power.

Lifeboat coxswain Darren Harcus said “We’d like to thank everyone who helped with organising the [coffee morning] event, and of course everybody who came along. Their support is always hugely appreciated.”

Rhoda Watt from Lerwick Ladies Lifeboat Guild said: “We are very grateful to everyone who helped make our annual coffee morning such a success. We very much appreciate the support of all our helpers, the lifeboat crewmen and of course, Serco NorthLink Ferries. We are particularly grateful to hotel director Jimmy McCallum, the crew of the Hrossey and service manager Jane Leask for accommodating us and our guests. We would like to pass on our sincere thanks to everyone who came on Saturday and contributed to the Charity.”

NorthLink Ferries service manager Jane Leask added: “We are delighted that the event was so well supported. The charity is very important to us, and has the full commitment of both crew and staff.”


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