New PM poses ‘existential threat’ to Union, says Carmichael

Isles MP Alistair Carmichael has called Boris Johnson “bad for Britain”, following his election as leader of the Conservative Party and the UK’s new Prime Minister.

“While I would of course congratulate Boris Johnson on his election I am afraid I see few positives in it for the United Kingdom. His claimed determination to deliver Brexit, even if that means leaving the EU without a deal, has to be seen as an existential threat to the Union of Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland,” said the Lib Dem MP.

“Today’s news does not change the arithmetic in the House of Commons so Boris Johnson will have the same problems as Theresa May. If he is serious about breaking the logjam then Boris Johnson should accept that the only way through this is to have a People’s Vote.

“In recent years the hard left has controlled the Labour Party. Today’s result confirms that the Tory Party is now controlled by populist nationalists who were previously in UKIP.

“Only the Liberal Democrats will speak for the moderate main stream of Scottish opinion that wants Scotland to remain in the UK and the UK to remain part of the European Union.”

SNP by-election candidate Tom Wills also gave his thoughts on the former Mayor of London’s election: “Boris Johnson as our next Prime Minister is bad news for the whole of the UK, bad news for Scotland and particularly bad news for Shetland.

“Shetland voted remain, yet we’re being dragged down the path towards a damaging No Deal. The risk of that outcome has shot up exponentially with today’s news.

“Much of the infrastructure and investment in Shetland in recent years has been thanks to European funding.

“We depend on EU nationals working in key industries, such as the seafood and hospitality sectors.

“And all of us benefit from the freedom to trade, travel and do business within the world’s biggest single market.

“A vote for the SNP on 29th August can send a clear message – that we reject a damaging Tory Brexit that will leave all of us worse off, and back Scotland’s right to choose a better future.”

Shetland faces an increased risk of significant economic harm under a Boris premiership, according to the SNP, which has increased the chance of a No Deal Brexit “exponentially,” said Wills.

Scottish Labour by-election candidate, Johan Adamson, said: “Our new Prime Minister has no mandate and a general election is now necessary.

“A No Deal Brexit must be stopped by parliament as it would be catastrophic for the whole country.”

Johnson was announced as the new Conservative leader on Tuesday, winning 92,153 party membership votes compared to Jeremy Hunt’s 46,656, and will take over from Theresa May on Wednesday.


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  • Robert Wishart

    • July 24th, 2019 12:09

    Alistair Carmichael and his ilk got Boris the top job. He voted to hold the EU referendum but because the result did not suit him has taken every opportunity to scupper negotiations and undermine May. The Lib Dems’ – and others’ – undemocratic rejection of the vote is the best reason yet to try to get clear of the dishonest and untrustworthy Westminster parliamentary system. He has unwittingly – one assumes – brought about the very situation he now fears.

    • Brian Smith

      • July 25th, 2019 8:05

      ‘Get clear of the dishonest and untrustworthy Westminster parliamentary system’! What do you have in mind, Robert?

  • John M Scott

    • July 24th, 2019 17:22

    I am amazed at the double standards of the Scottish National Party, and the ill founded comments by Tom Wills, their candidate in the forthcoming by-election. Whilst extolling the virtues of unfettered access to Europe, this is the party that plans to destroy 300 years of partnership with Scotland’s closest neighbour, and biggest trading partner: England, and have a hard border imposed from the Solway Firth to the Cheviots. I hope and pray that the natural common sense of Shetlanders will prevail.

  • Bruce smith

    • July 24th, 2019 18:02

    All the best to boris Johnson
    And as far as a Scottish independents . I when the on a bus toure in South America
    Witch was £40 but payed £56 because I had Scottish pounds ??
    Can the SNP how Scotland is to be better of
    Are should Shetland vot to stay with the rest of the U.K.

  • Graham Fleming

    • July 24th, 2019 22:27

    Ireland has unfettered access to the E.U and has a g.d.p twice that of Northern Ireland, a Wir Shetland special run from Westminster will soon see the local economy wither on the vine too.Breaking the U.K away from the E.U is all about Uncle Sam, divide and conquer, perpetual wars,no human rights, nuclear dumps, a population that will accept low state pensions and a junta retrograde type government away from European normaity.Scotland has a big choice to make that status quo, or step out in the world like Iceland, Norway or most of Ireland – the arc of criminality and corruption is not for me ,we have witnessed that handiwork from Northern Ireland to Iraq in the blood cost of failed politics and international law breaking.

    • John M Scott

      • July 25th, 2019 14:52

      Hey that’s a great idea; let’s step out into the big wide world like Iceland. The country who’s economy collapsed after their banks defaulted and refused to make good on deposits made by the Dutch and British governments. Fantastic Idea……you go for it.

      • Graham Fleming

        • August 2nd, 2019 19:34

        Icelands national debt today is about 24% of g.d.p compared to Britain’s 85%,they continue to pay down the banking debts they owe.Still a better run country anyday.

  • ian tinkler

    • July 25th, 2019 12:43

    It is no wonder the left-wingers, Socialists and assorted Scottish Nasties are so in fear of Boris. Just look at the turgid nonsense on various Facebook sites from our usuals suspects,. Wills, Penington, Yes Shetland et all. Pure malignant gardage as usual. Now a simple fact, “Boris Johnson says EU nationals will have an absolute right to remain after Brexit ” More cabinet Ministers from Ethnic Minority backgrounds in Senior positions –then in UK history. Not a bad record for less than 24 hours as PM. No wonder the great maligners of the Socialist and Nationalists fret so. What a start from Boris, this should be fun to watch!!!

    • Brian Smith

      • July 25th, 2019 15:44

      You’re in love with him, Ian.

      • ian tinkler

        • July 26th, 2019 10:18

        No Brian, I realise Boris has fought long and hard for LBGT rights but I would go for Carrie Symonds. It is just a genetic thing!!!

  • Peter Hamilton

    • July 25th, 2019 16:04

    Nasty British Nationalists are, of course, perfectly acceptable.

    • ian tinkler

      • July 26th, 2019 10:21

      Peter Hamilton, there is no “British Nationalist Party”. I am somehow not surprised you were not aware of that!!

  • John Tulloch

    • July 25th, 2019 19:00

    The new leader of the inaptly named Liberal “Democrats”, Jo Swinson, has said on BBC TV that she would not accept a Leave victory in the second EU referendum that she and Mr Carmichael so stridently demand. (Related articles and videos are readily available on the internet).

    This unveils spectacular humbug that they are no longer even bothering to hide. Who, in their right mind, is going to agree to a second referendum when the main proponents of it are saying up front that they won’t accept the “wrong” result?

    • Ian Tinkler

      • July 27th, 2019 9:59

      ” Who, in their right mind, is going to agree to a referendum when the main proponents of it are saying up front that they won’t accept the “wrong” result? Well the SNP did and still moan on. Once in a Generation, in a pig’s ear!!!

    • Peter Hamilton

      • July 27th, 2019 13:50

      Looks like John doesn’t want to live in a parliamentary democracy. What type of government he would prefer?

      The LibDems will be free to stand on a platform of rejoining the EU should we ever Brexit, and in that eventuality people will be free to vote for them.

  • Peter Hamilton

    • July 26th, 2019 12:14

    Is Ian Tinkler seriously unaware of any nasty British nationalists? Shocking!

  • Haydn Gear

    • July 26th, 2019 13:26

    Just one small point Ian, the usual acronym is LGBT not LBGT. You never know how some wise guys might choose to use it !!!!

  • Ian Tinkler

    • July 26th, 2019 20:04

    ” More cabinet Ministers from Ethnic Minority backgrounds in Senior positions in Government –then in UK history”, pure Boris. Fantastic: more than Salmond and Sturgeon ever managed. Talking about raw prejudice, have the SNP ever given a Scottish top government job to someone of English ethnicity? Racism at its best, sorry not racism, nationalism.

  • Peter Hamilton

    • July 28th, 2019 15:37

    Other cabinet diversity stats: 64% privately educated, nearly half Oxbridge and % of women down from 30 to 24. Most right-wing in living memory.

    This is the choice of someone selected by 2/3rds of less than 0.5% of the population, largely affluent, mostly over fifty, 97% white, seven out of ten men, who put exiting the EU above keeping the U.K. together… Huzzah!?

    • Mr ian Tinkler

      • July 29th, 2019 13:59

      !/; “64% privately educated!” 2/: “nearly half Oxbridge!” One chip on each shoulder. Peter has a balanced view at last.

    • Rosa Steppanova

      • August 1st, 2019 10:16

      Not only the most right-wing Peter. It is also the most unrepresentative and most realitaetsfremde in living memory.

  • ian tinkler

    • August 1st, 2019 11:19

    Extraordinary how our most Socialist and Nationalistic citizens get their knickers in such a twist over Boris Johnson. He obviously must be doing something right to stir up so many. To quote the great man, “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”. Extraordinary also how the Torie party is now surging in the polls 10% points above Labour. I wonder how long before Boris calls an election, it would be difficult to call Boris unrepresentative then. A Boris/Nigal alliance, a remoners last nightmare!!!! Interesting and funny times ahead.

  • Peter Hamilton

    • August 1st, 2019 12:07

    Shetland’s by-election result could pose an existential threat to a hard Brexit. A strong enough swing to the SNP could shake the reality of Boris’s out of touch soulmates.

    • Ian Tinkler

      • August 2nd, 2019 10:13

      A strong enough swing to the SNP could shake the reality of Boris’s out of touch soulmates. NB “the reality!!!” A well-chosen word from the Schoolteacher, and every vote not for Wills (loony Greens excluded), may shake the cloud cuckoo land fantasy of the SNP independance movement. Love Radnor result Brexit Paty/Torie (49.5%) votes combined the nightmare for Remoners, as for the Socialist anti-Semitic party, o dear me. A socialist nightmare may be coming, bring it on.

      • Graham Fleming

        • August 2nd, 2019 19:17

        Getting away from the Westminster nightmare should now be a first priority for voters in the Shetland by election. We should be looking how Norway and Ireland have transformed themselves since their Independence, we need proactive government here in Scotland as well,a government that is sleekit and
        has things to hide thtough official secrets acts is generally not working in the populations, interests but its own.The only thing that now unites the conservative party and its many factions, is wars,thinking how many it has started is it really ‘safe in yer ain hoose’,to complain about the way we have fallen behind the rest of the Continent. Out of sight is out of mind according to them!.

      • Brian Smith

        • August 3rd, 2019 7:38


  • John Tulloch

    • August 2nd, 2019 20:29

    One thing is certain, namely, that the undemocratic actions by Mr Carmichael and the London LibDems “pose an existential threat” to Beatrice Wishart’s chances of retaining Tavish Scott’s “bombproof” seat for the LibDems.

    Given the ST poll report that she and the SNP’s rookie candidate Tom Wills are running “neck and neck”, she is depending on EU Leave voters to, once again, hold their noses and bite the bullet, while voting tactically to keep the SNP out.


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