WATCH: Drone footage of grounded fishing boat

The Shetland Coastguard were called out in the early hours of Sunday morning after a fishing boat ran aground near Papa Stour.

A distress call was received from the Coelleira at around 1.30am, and Shetland coastguard also picked up radio communications from the vessel reporting that it had run aground on rocks at Ve Skerries, off the coast of Papa Stour.

The 30 metre fishing boat Coelleira, which sails under the British flag, had 15 crew onboard at the time. None of them were injured, although they were later taken to the Gilbert Bain for observation.

The Aith lifeboat Charles Lidbury returned to the Coelleira at around 11.20am on Sunday to keep a watch on the vessel as high tide approached in case it refloated. However, it was reported to be hard aground.

The lifeboat reported an oily sheen around the vessel and the immediate skerry while the precise source of the leak from the fishing vessel is currently unknown.

Drone footage of the ship has now emerged from Sunday afternoon, showing the Coelleira were it had ran aground and with oil visible in the water around it.


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