SNP candidate hits back at Scottish Greens

SNP candidate Tom Wills has hit back at criticism from the Scottish Greens that he contradicted himself on green policies.
Scottish Greens had called into question Mr Wills’ green credentials, saying his zero-carbon plan open letter contradicts a statement in a recent interview with Energy Voice, where he said: “As long as oil and gas extraction is continuing then I want to see the benefits to Shetland maximised.”
Responding to this criticism, Mr Wills said: “The Greens should pay more attention to what I have actually said.”
“The oil and gas sector is a major employer here in Shetland so it’s no surprise that while extraction continues I want to see the benefits to Shetland maximised.
“We need to come up with a plan for transitioning to zero carbon in a way that protects jobs and livelihoods. The sooner and smarter we make the transition, the greater the benefits will be.
“We need to turn the skills and expertise in our energy industry to focusing on renewables, clean energy and carbon capture.
“My plan is to help Shetland become a global leader in the fight against climate change and kickstart a renewables boom in the isles.”
Joe Murray
The skills of oil workers such as: designers, draughtsmen, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, steel erectors heavy vehicle drivers, crane drivers, shuttering joiners, riggers, slingers, seamen, semi-skilled workers, general labourers, and ancillary workers are all exactly the same skills required to design, build and maintain new renewable energy plants.
Personally, I would like to see oil and coal left in the ground, but oil production won’t end overnight. However, while it is being run down, money from it should be diverted to R&D and construction of renewable energy projects on land and sea. I am sure Tom Wills has said as much — as a great place to start, where better than Shetland?
Mr ian Tinkler
Perhaps Weisdale. Go have a look, What Tom has for shetland.
Ali Inkster
Where better than Shetland?
How about closer to the area of demand!
Any benefit of extra power produced up here will be lost many times over in the transmission to where it is needed.
Any supposed carbon benefit is lost many times over by the loss of active peat bog.
So where better you ask, well how about offshore of the major cities of the UK and on alongside the motorways that cross the country joining areas of population.
I have come in to contact with a lot of tourists this year and not one has said they would come back to Shetland when it is covered in windmills so any benefit from funds from VE will be lost many times over in lost tourism.
So where better you ask.
How about anywhere but here.
James Caldwell
Were you implying that our green energy efforts should be concentrated outside of Scotland “areas of demand”? Somewhere between Birmingham and London perhaps? That would be a typical Unionist answer.
Andy Anderson
This attack by ‘The Greens’ on Tom Wills at this time is ridiculous for a so called independence supporting party. I am a strong supporter of moving quickly to renewable energy, and I want Scotland to move rapidly in that direction, but this has to be done by changing the system in on organised way, it can’t be addressed in a ‘slogan’ Are ‘The Greens’ saying that while oil extraction continues they do not want to see the benefits to Shetland maximised? Or are the saying that Tom should insist that the extraction stop immediately, is that their policy on this? I voted Green on the list vote because I did not want my second vote being wasted and wanted a supporter of independence to get my vote, was I foolish to have voted Green?
Mr ian Tinkler
Tom, just highlight SNP policy. Make Scotland “the powerhouse of Europe”. Maximal exploitation of Gas and Oil, our oil is the mantra. Onshore and Offshore Windfarms, jus as many as politically popular. Remember most SNP voters are urban bassed. As for Scotlands once bonnie landscape, the SNP care not, not many votes and the wild places. That is without concrete spread all over them and then the raw profit will pay for independance.
Malcolm Henry Johnson
If the Scottish Government’s share of profit from the windmills is enough to pay for independence, what is your estimate of the overall profit?
Mr ian Tinkler
Malcolm, the profit depends entirely on what subsidy the independent (hypothetical) SG/SNP gives the landlords. Lairds, bankers and Electricity Companies who will own the windfarms. Nothing, not one penny from outwith Scotland. Now as Shetland’s proposed wind farms with interconnectors are the most expensive ever built on the planet, subsidies will have to be massive. No problem, they will all be added onto Scotland folk’s electricity bills. The r UK will use abundant nuclear and offshore, far less costly than Shetlands windpower. Remember French nuclear is cheap, Scotland uses it on calm days.
steve hawkin
if we are to end oil then we need to start thinking out side the box and use tourism as a mean of bringing in money. look at most country’s that don’t have oil but are big at bringing in money via tourism. would snp or SIC doing anything to help make sure we aren’t left behind when oil has gone. i for one do not trust snp or tom wills as they have done nothing to help Shetland. i do wish snp stop banging on about having other second referendum cos we need to focus on Scotland as a whole and make our economy work stronger where as Nicola sturgeon is thinking of her own self and not side with the Shetland people. wind farms don’t get me started on that cos they will spoil the landscape and if i was a tourist i would be disgusted by the sight of it and never come back to shetland.