Tory MSP says Ruth Davidson has made ‘enormous contribution’
Tory MSP Jamie Halcro Johnston has paid tribute to Ruth Davidson, following her decision to stand down as Scottish Conservative leader.
Ms Davidson, who led the party for eight years but recently became a mother for the first time, stood down citing family pressures.
She has also openly criticised Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s approach to Brexit.
Addressing reporters she said: “You all know and I have never sought to hide the conflict I have felt for Brexit.
“The biggest challenge has been starting a family and I can’t thank my colleagues, and I can’t thank my colleagues, and especially [interim leader] Jackson Carlaw enough for their support following the birth of baby Finn.”
She said she was considering the looming Scottish parliament elections in 2021 and the “credible threat” from opponents for a General Election before then in her decision.
“The thought of spending hundreds of hours away from my family fills me with dread. And that is no way to lead.”

Mr Halcro Johnston, said: “Ruth made an enormous contribution to our Party and to protecting the Union.
“On her watch the Scottish Conservatives have gone from 15 to 31 MSPs, 115 councillors to 276 councillors and from one MP to 13 MPs.
“The Scottish Conservatives are now indisputably the main challengers to the SNP and the most effective defenders of the United Kingdom.
“We will all miss her in her role as leader of the Party and I wish her and her family the very best for the future.”
John Haswell
Ruth Davidson has been a feisty opponent of Nicola Sturgeon. I am not, nor ever will be a Tory. I am a supporter of an Independent Scotland, However, I will miss the contributions of Ruth in this ongoihg debate and rue the fact that there is no other Scottish Tory with an ounce of charisma to take up the challenge. Back to the dustbin of Scottish politics for the Tories (especially with Boris being a tin pot dictator)?
Colin Hunter
Enjoy it while it lasts. Because I fear your boss in Westminster has done you no favours, and we may see the wheels come off your wagon very shortly.
Frank Hay
It seems a bit unfortunate that this announcement was made as the by-election was taking place. It might influence a few voters who have been impressed by the Scottish Tories under Ruth Davidson’s leadership. Without her the Tories seem even less attractive.
David Spence
The Tories, the only political party which looks after itself first before the people in its political manifesto/agenda. The less we have of them, the better the society will be.
Charles L. Gallagher
I think her reason for leaving is she was given her P45 by London, HQ.
Ian Tinkler
Shetland folk have just given Tom Wills his P45, Charles L. Gallagher!!!
What a record, Tom Wills, achieved! He stated 4% ahead of all in “The Times” poll of 2/08/2019. Just 4% adrift in “The National” so boasted by his Dad two weeks later, then he fluffs it completely down by 15% at the end!!!
With a record like that perhaps he should have done less bandwagon. Jumping on the Waspi cart, Climate Emergency cart, endless child hugging with the FM and answered a few straight questions. Independence, Viking Energy, GERS deficit and a few less hollow promises! It takes more than a family name, a plastic smile with a party of utter control, however much money and swarms MSPs, MPs, FMs and assorted camp followers and posters Shetland was infested with!
Brian Smith
‘Ian Tinkler, 75 votes”