Whalsay man gets new role at Lerwick Harbour

Lerwick Port Authority has appointed Whalsay man Neil Arthur, 33, as deputy harbourmaster.

Capt Arthur was recruited to succeed Alexander Simpson who was recently promoted to harbourmaster.

Deputy harbourmaster Captain Neil Arthur.

Port authority chief executive Calum Grains said: “We are delighted to welcome Neil and the contribution he will make to our operations across the various industry sectors.”

Capt Arthur began his career as a cadet with Clyde Marine in 2003, with sponsorship from the specialist geared cargo company Gearbulk.

He later gained a BSc in Nautical Science from Strathclyde University and qualified as an officer from Glasgow College of Nautical Studies.

Following employment by Gearbulk as a junior officer, he moved into the offshore industry with Subsea 7 for 10 years, rising through the ranks and gaining his chief officer’s licence from Glasgow College of Nautical Studies and master’s from Glasgow Maritime Academy.


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