Scottish independence march planned for Lerwick

A Scottish independence march is set to take place in Lerwick later this year.

The Shetland March For Independence! was organised by Lee Hunter, who said that there had been a lot of interest already.

A Facebook event has been set up for the event, which is expected to take place in the town on March 14th.

The date may be subject to change, Mr Hunter said, and they are yet to plan a route.

Plans for the first march are at an early stage but they may also organise a second event in the summer.


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  • Craig Gibson

    • January 10th, 2020 18:08

    Naw means Naw!!!!!

  • John M Scott

    • January 11th, 2020 9:57

    I hope that in response there will be a Shetland independence march.

    Independence from Scotland that is …


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