Wishart demands Sturgeon apology over helicopter crash inquiry ‘delay’

Beatrice Wishart has demanded First Minister Nicola Sturgeon apologise over the “needless delay” to a fatal accident inquiry into a helicopter crash that claimed four lives.

The Isles MSP said the wait for answers had caused families “even more pain”.

Four offshore workers were killed seven years ago, when their Super Puma helicopter crashed on its approach to Sumburgh Airport.

The long-awaited inquiry now has a provisional date set in May in Inverness.

The Lib Dem MSP raised the issue at First Minister’s Questions on Friday.

“The needless delay for an FAI determination will have caused families even more pain, to follow what was already an unimaginably tragic event. There can be no good reason for that,” said the Lib Dem MSP following the exchange.

“As well as causing more pain for the families involved, evidence is lost, memories fade and lessons can’t be learned.

“That’s not to mention the years of anxiety for those in Shetland and beyond working in the oil and gas industry in the North Sea, who are continuing to work without understanding why this accident happened.

“This is just more evidence to show that the Crown Office is incapable of handling FAIs. The Scottish Government need to move the responsibility elsewhere.”

The wait has also reportedly been called “deplorable” by Sheriff Principal Derek Pyle at a preliminary hearing in Aberdeen.

The First Minister responded to the question at Holyrood by conveying her “thoughts and sympathies to the families concerned”, adding: “I know how difficult the last seven years will have been for them.”

The SNP leader went on to say that decisions in fatal accident inquiries were not for her to decide, that “constitutionally” they belonged to the Crown Office and that it would not be “appropriate for me to comment in any detail at all”.

Duncan Munro, 46, from Bishop Auckland; Sarah Darnley, 45, from Elgin; Gary McCrossan, 59, from Inverness and George Allison, 57, from Winchester all died when the aircraft they were flying in crashed on 23rd August 2013.

The CHC-operated helicopter had been flying from the Borgsten Dolphin platform with 18 people onboard.

It crashed into the sea approximately 0.4 nautical miles southwest of Garths Ness.


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  • John M Scott

    • February 10th, 2020 8:09

    This is what happens when you have two different legal systems within the United Kingdom. In England a ‘Coroners Inquest’ would have taken place almost immediately after the incident, there are no Coroners in Scotland.

    In this instance Nicola Sturgeon and her government are not to blame for the delay, and it is sad that Beatrice Wishart chooses this of all times to make a cheap political point.

  • Graham Fleming

    • February 13th, 2020 2:21

    English law? A legal system, the coroner’s should hae been working flat oot for the crimes of state then!

  • Ian Tinkler

    • February 14th, 2020 12:27

    “English law? A legal system, the coroner’s should hae been working flat oot for the crimes of state then!” Care to elaborate Grahm Fleming or are you just CyberNutting?

  • Graham Fleming

    • February 14th, 2020 18:41

    A legal system? That has form for disrespecting human life and property across the planet, it is why the English separatists want away from the E.U. and any form of European law or justice, the new junta is being formed. Its victims and even English people be aware,very AWARE.

  • ian Tinkler

    • February 15th, 2020 11:54

    Strange, Graham, is it not that the Westminster and UK legal system has defined and protected human liberty and dignity like no other.
    Why do you think the UK has so many hundreds of thousands of peoples from across the World taking refuge and settled quite happily in the UK. They have come from the Commonwealth, the EU, Africa and Asia and freely form a vital and integrated culture within the UK. So much so that even as I write many peoples and refugees, sadly risk life and limb to reach the UK shores. They come from the beaches of France and the EU, risking drowning rather than claim asylum in the EU or France.!!!
    Perhaps they know something your Nationalist blinkers prevent you from seeing or remotely understanding.

    • Graham Fleming

      • February 17th, 2020 17:50

      Like no other, isn’t it strange when the control of immigration is asked by the Scottish Government to be devolved which the majority in Scotland, unionist or nationalist would like to see, – doesn’t happen!You are right the British Empire had some dark times, 150 million of them , everyone of them had humanity in their veins, – lest we ever forget.The European Union was formed after the 2nd world war,something Churchill supported, to help heal a divided continent, narrow nationalism was defeated

      then,I hope the English variety, resurfaced means that, England is entirely on its own, I doubt it though, with N.Ireland and Iraq as very recent form, for interference,in other people’s countries. What the hell its going to be like with them free,from the tyranny of Brussels. Just for the record I don’t believe English law, is ultra vires to international law ,and people who break it should always be prosecuted. WORLD police aye right. other peoples countries and properties are just that,not the crowns through force or any other underhand means

      • Mr ian Tinkler

        • February 17th, 2020 21:34

        The United Kingdom is not England. It is far more than that. Graham Fleming, stop behaving like a football supporter, your S Nasty side is showing. We are far better than that, most of us.

  • ian Tinkler

    • February 16th, 2020 10:36

    Strange Graham Fleming is it not that Union of Westminster and Scottish legal system has defined and protected human liberty and dignity like no other. Why do you think the UK has many hundreds of thousands of peoples from across the World taking refuge and now settled quite happily in the UK. They have come from the Commonwealth, the EU, Africa and Asia. They form a vital and integrated culture within the UK.
    The history of the British Empire has its dark moments, but nothing to compare with the horrors outside the UK and Commonwealth! So much so that even as I write many peoples sadly risk life and limb to reach the UK shores. From the beaches of France and the EU, they risk drowning rather than claim asylum in the EU.!!! From Vietnam and China, we have the tragedies of mass suffocation in the backs of lorries. Perhaps these many peoples, seeking freedom from tyranny know something your narrow Nationalist blinkers prevent you from seeing or remotely understanding.

  • HaydnGear

    • February 17th, 2020 13:57

    I couldn’t agree more with Ian Tinkler’s comments in regard to Graham Flemings opinion of February14th. Changes keep happening and they will continue to do so.

  • Ian Tinkler

    • February 19th, 2020 9:02

    I hope all Shetland wish Hadyn well. His home town of Crickhowell is completely flooded.


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