Schools to close next week

The council is closing a number of schools and nursery settings to pupils next week for “operational and resilience reasons” as efforts to delay the impact of the coronavirus continue.
The closures will take effect from Monday and are due to remain in place until Friday.
Fair Isle Primary School, Fetlar Primary School and Foula Primary School will remain open for children and young people, but all others are due to stay closed to pupils.
The situation will be reviewed as the week progresses. All schools will remain open for staff.
Children’s Services will be issuing further information to parents and carers at the start of next week, which will include information about learning that can be done at home.
Follow-up communication from schools will be made for parents and carers of children with complex additional support needs in the early part of next week.
The implications for young people in the senior phase with forthcoming SQA assessments and exams are being “considered carefully”. Further information around this will follow at the start of next week.
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