Fair Isle bird observatory given green light by council

Plans for a new bird observatory on the site of the previous building in Fair Isle have been approved by council planners.

The revamped bird observatory will replace the one which burned down last March, and has been designed by Glasgow firm ICA Architects.

ICA submitted plans for the rebuild in February, and said the benefits offered to the isle by the observatory “cannot be overstated”.

Plans are in place to have the new building built as soon as possible, with hopes that it could be ready by summer next year.

The new observatory and guesthouse will feature “largely on the footprint of the previous building”, according the plans, and will use the foundations of the previous building where possible.

The £4 million Fair Isle Bird Observatory was officially opened in June 2010, with its loss being described as a “colossal blow” to the island by former MSP Tavish Scott.


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