MSP backs Carers Week

Shetland’s MSP has paid tribute to Shetland’s carers, and is encouraging people to come forward to access support they may be entitled to.

Beatrice Wishart has spoken at the beginning of Carers Week, which runs until Sunday.

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities.

This year’s theme is Make Caring Visible

Ms Wishart said: “Carers Week is a time to pay tribute to Shetland’s unpaid carers and recognise the invaluable work they do for the people they care for.

“I want to thank them, and especially acknowledge the extra difficulties that have come with looking after family and friends during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Caring can have a real impact on the carers’ health and wellbeing, something that can be particularly the case for young unpaid carers.

“Voluntary Action Shetland [VAS] has a programme of events to mark Carers Week and help make caring visible.

“VAS also works to make caring visible throughout the year and are there to provide information and advice to help make life easier for Shetland’s carers.

“Often individuals don’t identify as carers but support is available and I would encourage people to come forward if they are struggling or just to find out what support they might be entitled to.”


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