Support telephone line for NHS, health and care staff

A new telephone line has been set up in response to Covid-19 to support the wellbeing of all NHS, health and care staff during the difficult times.

The line has been developed by the NHS/SIC staff wellbeing support team and has a group of listeners who have put themselves forward from NHS teams, council staff and volunteers.

The listeners and the wellbeing support team have had guidance and training in setting up the phone line provided by volunteers from the local Samaritans branch.

The Samaritans are continuing to provide a support role to all listeners as the support line develops.

The support line has been tested over a number of weeks with the official launch being today (Monday).

The service will be open for all staff across NHS, community health and care to call Monday to Friday 6pm to 9pm, alongside a national support line which will be launched later.

The staff support line is open to staff in any part of the care sector in Shetland who may want to contact someone at a local level rather using a national service.

Staff may just need a listening ear or wish to discuss something specific that is worrying them. The listeners have been trained to use their listening skills but are also able to signpost if needed to local and national services.

The free-to-call number is a 0800 043 0366 and will be available 6pm to 9pm, Monday to Friday.


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