Online consultation over windfarms’ connections to grid

Three more online consultation events are planned to “engage with stakeholders” about connections for proposed windfarms that rely on the interconnector cable to the mainland.
SSEN Transmission will host the events which are seeking views on connections linked to the Energy Isles and Beaw Field developments in Yell; and Mossy Hill windfarm west of Lerwick.
The proposed 600MW interconnector cable would connect Shetland to the mainland electricity grid. Work has started in preparation for the substation and convertor planned for Kergord.
Regulator Ofgem has said it is minded to approve the cable with a final decision expected soon.
Now “search areas” have been identified by SSEN Transmission in which the organisation wants to conduct further surveys to identify preferred routes for the windfarms’ connections.
The routes will be set out at the consultations, which take place on 21st and 22nd July, and feedback sought. Views will also be sought on the proposed location of a new switching station in Yell.
George Herraghty
A Slight Problem for SSE:
The new documentary, “Planet of the Humans”, released free to the public on YouTube to mark the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, reveals that industrial wind farms, solar farms, biomass, and biofuels are ALL wrecking natural environments.
ALL so-called ‘Green energy’ schemes are in fact INCREASING CO2 emissions, INCREASING the use of fossil fuels and VASTLY INCREASING the mining, processing and consumption of the Earth’s dwindling raw materials.
“The idiocy in all of this”
“Everywhere I encountered green energy, it wasn’t green energy”
Planet of the Humans: Michael Moore
Jerry Edwards
So then. Your solution is?
Easy to stand and throw out jibes.
George Herraghty
An ‘Inconvenient Truth’:
No renewable will ever outlast the materials required to make it!
Building enough wind turbines to supply half the world’s electricity would require nearly 2,000,000,000 tons of coal to produce the concrete and steel, along with 2,000,000,000 barrels of oil to make the composite blades.
More than 90% of the world’s solar panels are built in Asia on coal-heavy electric grids.
And, they will all require replacement at regular intervals thereafter!
Germany will have spent 580,000,000,000 Dollars on renewables by 2025 & increased electricity prices 50% without having reduced emissions.
France spends a bit more than half as much for electricity that produces one-tenth the emissions as Germany. How? With nuclear power.
Alastair Ball
Have you watched the documentary?
It rightly asks the question – how green is green energy?
Viking energy is in it for the profits and making a return for the stakeholders. How green is that.
As for solutions, I support the natural gas option, a new super efficient gas power station built to meet the islands energy needs.