Litter campaign urges tourists to keep Shetland beauty spots stunning

As Shetland prepares to welcome tourists again a new campaign has been launched urging visitors to respect the landscape and wildlife and take their litter home.
Zero Waste Scotland is launching Scotland is Stunning – Let’s Keep It That Way, backed by the Scottish government and Keep Scotland Beautiful.
As lockdown eases, Scotland’s tourism industry officially reopens from Wednesday 15th July. The campaign celebrates Scottish beauty spots including Shetland.
Zero Waste Scotland chief executive Iain Gulland said: “This opportunity to get outdoors is great news. If you are camping, exercising, having a barbecue or just enjoying the scenery, have fun and bin what you don’t need or take it with you.
“Go home with happy memories and leave the place so others can do the same. We know Scotland is stunning, let’s keep it that way!”
Alastair Ball
You go to laugh – stunning Northmavine with an eyesore wind farm littering the countryside.
Grace Griggs
Amazing how tourists treat everywhere like a dump. Impose heavy fines and have them preform community service, such as picking up litter on shores and nature sites before tourists can return home. If they fail to comply, ban them from re-entry to Scotland!