Running track still closed, Clickimin say

The running track at the Clickimin remains shut to the public, the leisure complex has said.
A small group of island games hopeful athletes have been allowed to train on the track by the Shetland Recreational Trust (SRT), although they must stick to strict distancing guidelines and have to disinfect equipment, including the sand pit, after each use.
But on Facebook the Clickimin has said that though a group of athletes have been allowed to return to the track, it remains closed to the wider public.
“Members of the public ignoring the guidance will only delay the return for all and potentially put others at risk.
“The area is secured for a reason so please refrain from meeting up and/or using the track at present.”
Athletics coach David Wagstaff said last week that they were “really, really fortunate” to have secured the use of the track.
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