NHS Shetland responds to contact tracing speculation

NHS Shetland has said it cannot comment on current speculation that a Shetlander has been contacted by its contact tracing team, after being with someone who has tested positive on the Scottish mainland.
The health board said on Tuesday afternoon that this was to protect patient confidentiality.
NHS Shetland chief executive Michael Dickson said: “What we can say is that people should be reassured that, if they have been in contact with an individual who poses a significant risk or has tested positive, then we will contact them. Contacts of confirmed cases will also be asked to self-isolate for 14 days – whether they have
symptoms or not.
“If they develop symptoms during the 14 days, they will be tested and, if they are positive, they will have to continue self-isolating until they are well, which is not less than 14 days from the point of being tested.
“It is important to remember that COVID-19 has not gone away. It is likely that it will only be a matter of time before we see more cases in Shetland.
“We would like to remind people to continue to abide by physical distancing guidance, wear a mask when required to, and wash their hands.”
Mark Goodhand
No one is asking for the persons name, the people are wanting to know if we have a positive case in Shetland as this will make us all aware.
Vivienne Nicolson
You should always be aware! This pandemic has not gone away and with more and more people moving around it is only a matter of time!! I have only been allowed out of shielding and if I have to go back to that because people are reckless I will be very annoyed!!!!