Construction work on Kergord station to start in next month

Construction work on the Kergord converter station which will play a big part in the controversial Viking windfarm is set to begin in the next month.

Scottish and Southern Energy Networks (SSEN) has said that their principal contractor, BAM Nuttall, are ready to begin work in the month ahead.

Once complete, the convertor station will transfer renewable energy from Shetland to the mainland system via a 250km subsea cable. 

SSEN says an initial team of 25 staff will be working on the site in September.

That will grow to around 50 staff by the end of 2020.

Sandy Mactaggart, SSEN Transmission’s director of offshore delivery, said the company would work with the local community to minimise disruption where possible.

The highly controversial Viking project has been met with renewed opposition in recent weeks, with a petition signed by more than 200 people being presented to councillors earlier this month to try to block a 200m by 200m construction compound being built in the north mainland.


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