Council is being ‘absolutely abused’ by Scottish government, says councillor

Shetland Islands Council is being “absolutely abused” over funding by the Scottish government, according to one of its councillors.

Central councillor Davie Sandison made the comment at Tuesday’s meeting of the environment and transport committee, where a debate about infrastructure descended into an argument about the government’s ability to deliver services to the isles.

SNP councillor Robbie McGregor took exception to comments made about the performance of the Scottish government during the meeting.

He told fellow members the government should not shoulder all of the blame, and that a lot of problems were caused by the fact that the SNP did not have full control over funds provided by Westminster.

Mr McGregor said that he would raise any concerns councillors had about a perceived lack of funds with finance secretary Kate Forbes.

Chairman Ryan Thomson responded strongly, using fair ferry funding as an example of the council being left behind by the government.

He said that was a “purely political argument”, and that SIC had “done everything right” but still received less than they had hoped for.

The conversation came a day after nine councillors signed a notice of motion urging SIC to consider ways for the isles to achieve “financial and political self-determination”.

Mr Sandison said that the council was being “absolutely abused” by the government with regards to fair ferry funding, and added: “We are being played for fools on this one.”

He was not one of the nine signatories of the council motion, though Mr Thomson was.

More in this Friday’s edition of The Shetland Times.


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  • ian Tinkler

    • September 1st, 2020 16:30

    Any gain in community funding from SICs infatuation with windfarms will be neatly matched with funding cuts from the SNP/SG. The SNP has a spiteful dislike of Shetland folk, we do not vote for them. Wills put that on line at the last election.

  • Gareth Blance

    • September 1st, 2020 16:51

    In such times as Covid 19 what doe’s our Council expect, It appears that the Council are putting to much on their plate at one time, Trying to do to much much to quickly, Who Is the fool playing the fools game, I have paid money for a number of vehicles to pay the vehicle ferry fare, To come under attack from the Council’s desires, Neither of the vehicles were cheap as such they cost a lot of money, Every time the Council has deliberatly taken my vehicle In the past, The Council sit In the Town Hall laughing the day long while having Tea & biscutes, The Council are like primary school children they think It’s great fun, Until It gets to a dispute about who’s going to pay the money owed to the ferry.


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