Warning issued over gruesome ‘suicide’ video

Youth workers have warned parents to keep children off TikTok because of a gruesome video that shows “distressing images of suicide”.
Shetland Public Protection Committee has been alerted with the council’s youth and employability services adding that viewers may be “very distressed” by the footage.
The youth services’ message does not state which video it is referring to. However, it has been widely reported that a former American Army veteran, Ronnie McNutt, live-streamed his own death on social media.
That video has been shared on TikTok.
The youth services warning stated: “Users report that the distressing footage is being placed inside of other, seemingly unrelated videos, so that it may appear without warning in users’ feeds. This may particularly impact on young people and parents may want to support their children to suspend their use of TikTok over the coming days.”
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