Download app to protect against virus, says MSP

SNP MSP Maree Todd has urged people to download the new ‘Protect Scotland’ app to help slow the spread of coronavirus and support the easing of lockdown restrictions.

The app can be downloaded onto phones and will let users know if they have come into close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19.

It will automatically alert users if someone reports that they’ve tested positive for Covid-19 and that they have been in close contact recently.

No personal identifiable information will be entered on the app and the Scottish government insists it will not monitor the location of individuals, as the app uses Bluetooth technology, and not GPS, to identify contacts.

Ms Todd said: “The Scottish government has now launched the ‘Protect Scotland’ proximity tracing app, to help stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus and complement the person-to-person approach of test and protect.

“The app – which takes less than a minute to download – will allow us to alert people at risk far more quickly, so that we can all take steps to reduce the risk of infecting others.”


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