Shetland’s official Covid-19 total shoots up with three new cases

Shetland’s official number of Covid-19 cases has increased by three, government figures show.
The increase, which brings the total to 60, is the biggest daily rise since April.
One of the cases relates to the pupil who tested positive at Whiteness Primary School yesterday.
However, NHS Shetland said there were no known links between the other two cases.
All three cases are being followed up by contact tracing teams.
NHS Shetland’s public health consultant Susan Laidlaw said the apparently unrelated new cases made it clear Covid-19 was circulating in Shetland – despite the community’s efforts to keep it at bay.
Dr Laidlaw has urged people to continue following the guidance around social distancing, wearing face coverings and practising good hygiene.
“These are the best measures we have for combatting the spread of the virus, and it is up to all of us as individuals to do our best to prevent rising numbers by taking all the necessary precautions,” she added.
Anyone identified as a contact of a confirmed case will be contacted by the tracing team and required to self-isolate for up to 14 days as a precaution, depending on when their contact with the case was.
Those whose symptoms develop will be asked to get tested.
Contacts will be given information and advice to help them self-isolate.
Orkney’s figure has also increased by two – bring its total to 19.
Across Scotland, 350 new cases were recorded in the past 24 hours.
The NHS said it was important to note that if a contact gets tested and has a negative test result they must still isolate for the full period.
People with symptoms can book a test by clicking on the ‘self refer for Covid test’ panel on the NHS Shetland website.
Joy Saloschin
Interesting that we have such a sharp rise in cases, more so than in Orkney. The only difference between the islands that I can see, is that we have a big influx of workers for the wind farm. Are they being tested as they arrive?
If the rise were only to do with the return to school and the gradual return to normal life, then surely our increase in numbers would be on a par with Orkney, except Orkney doesn’t have a giant wind farm being built.
Since we are stuck with that ecological disaster now, surely it should be mandatory to test all new arrivals to ensure that, while Viking work on the destruction of our environment, they are also not bringing us more cases of Covid 19.
john ridland
“Shoots up”. ! Wonder what description would be used if it went up by say 50, or 100 or even 1000 , just more emotive BS from the press, some day they might get back to just printing the facts and not opinion .
I Think it is about time action is taken to ease all this coming and going on ferry travel and air craft , About time that it s a case if your out off shetland stay out unless a very good reason to be here Where is our MSP now when we need this protection ?