Councillors unite against air traffic control centralisation

Councillors have united in their opposition to plans by Highlands and Islands Airports Limited (Hial) to centralise air traffic control services.
Members gave their backing to a stinging response to a retrospective island communities impact assessment.
It follows the release last week of an independent report by the Prospect union which raised serious doubts about the plans, which first emerged in January 2018.
In January this year Hial revealed it planned to house the centralised air traffic control service in Inverness.
Moving the response be submitted to HialShetland South councillor George Smith detailed a long list of “significant concerns” that he had about what Hial intended to do.
He was seconded by the chairman of the council’s environment and transport committee Ryan Thomson.
Meanwhile, Mr Smith’s fellow South Mainland members also voiced opposition to Hial’s proposals.
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