Wishart accuses Scottish government of leaving childminding services to fail

Beatrice Wishart has repeated warnings that the Scottish government is leaving childminder services to fail.

The Isles MSP has pressed childcare minister Maree Todd for the government to provide financial support for childminding services at a comparable level to that available to the rest of the childcare sector.

The minister responded that childminders are able to operate close to normal.

Ms Wishart said: “There is a real risk that many childminding businesses won’t be financially viable for much longer. Losing dedicated ELC professionals is entirely short-sighted. Childminders offer choice and flexibility. Some children cope better in more intimate settings and families need that choice. Childminders need to be at the heart of the 1,140 hours rollout.

“The Scottish government needs to reach out to the sector and engage meaningfully to understand the real strains on businesses and provide support to get them through the pandemic.”


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