Finnie urges Shetlanders to stick with the rules and bring Covid-19 under control

Shetland folk have been urged to abide by the new lockdown rules to bring the Covid-19 crisis under control.

Highlands and Islands MSP John Finnie made the calls following Shetland’s confirmation as being in level one of the new strategic  framework, which takes effect from Monday. 

“I know that last few months have been hard for people in Shetland,” he said.

“It’s essential that we all continue to follow local guidance to allow us the bring the virus under control as soon as possible.”

Mr Finnie called on governments to provide adequate support through these “difficult times” – and asked for clarity on what will be available when restrictions change. 

He  said the UK government’s decision to end the furlough wage support scheme at this time was “hugely irresponsible” and urged the Chancellor to reconsider.  

He called for the SIC to be given the necessary resources to support vulnerable people and enforce regulations. 


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